
Let the words flow. Let the pictures speak

Bday bash..

@nits4ever post ceremony!

Its ok, we will agree he is sober. Don’t go by his face. P.S: I am not sure what @mukeshkini is indicating!

The day that was, 14-Apr-2011.

A human friend of mine, nithesh a.k.a @nits4ever, happened to become a 20 year old antique, an occasion that calls for some celebration and as a friend I couldn’t just resist visiting the relic, for one.

A weekday meant @mukeshkini out on work and as it so happened even @akshy8 was into busy times as well. Matter of fact-ly, I am no free wanderer either, hell! yeah! I was busy with something as well. So the celebration was called for on the auspicious or not auspicious time at 10 that night. Off we went, a cake in the hand and some slyness under our sleeves. We reach his place only to find the bday boy out babysitting 😉 err..  whatever! he came back a while later set the stage for the desert chopping all single handedly, the job including an erroneous task of getting a plastic stool and a little knife. The cake was snapped at, so that we could remember what originally lay on that little piece of silver covered cardboard. Everybody was filled due the celeb being a post lunch session and hence there was no urgency whatsoever in cutting the cake. To add to it, there was a little antics show by the local top cat who had laid his/her, god knows which’s eyes on the cake and was ready to go to any extent to get it. We witnessed a little circus show and as in the circus the animal was given a tidbit for its performance. Anyway, it was cut, a little piece offered to each one of us, a little light chit chat and it was time to head back. Well of course there was the little package of birthday bumps he was offered, which was immensely enjoyed by everybody but himself, not that he was meant to enjoy anyways. It was only after returning that I came to know that the number of bday bumps had to be corresponding to the age attained. A pity, he got a away by a very big margin, quantitatively alteast.

Right. We didn’t put on those conical hats, nor did we blow any balloons, nor burst them. There wasn’t any of those shiny little stuff falling from the sky, nor anything else that usually exists. There wasn’t any music or dance to follow, nor any games. A dinner was probably on cards, but since we already were done with ours at home, we had nothing to do but come back. 😀

Yeah, that story ended. You can leave as well. Ciao.

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